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Institutional Requirements System v2.0

This website provides various degree worksheets, to answer questions like "what courses do I have left to graduate?"

Everything runs in the browser; no information is stored locally or remotely. Once you leave this page, your information is lost. You can take a screenshot for your records (printing/saving as a PDF produces wonky output atm).

This code is open source! Please report issues (and submit pull requests!) on Github. The code is written in TypeScript.

This page uses information from DegreeWorks.
  1. You must be on-campus or on the Penn VPN to access DegreeWorks.
  2. Visit DegreeWorks
  3. Click the three-dot menu and select Class History to pull up your list of courses
    open Class History on DegreeWorks
  4. Select all then copy the contents into the textbox below.
  5. If you are an Accelerated Masters student, you should copy+paste your Master's Class History as well as your undergrad Class History (the order doesn't matter). Use the Degree drop-down to switch between degrees.
    • Currently (as of September 2022), graduate courses taken in Fall 2022 appear only on the Master's transcript/worksheet. To get the full list of courses you've taken, copy+paste both Class Histories.
  6. Click the blue apply courses to requirements button
  7. Note that courses can be dragged and dropped across degree requirements.
You can plan future courses by adding them at the bottom of the textbox. The format is simple: put each course subject, number, title, grade and CUs all on one line, like:
PHYS 0150 Principles I A 1.5
3-digit course numbers will be translated to 4-digit ones. If you use NA as the grade, the course will appear darker like other in-progress courses.

This page uses information from DegreeWorks. The Diagnostics Report page used below contains course attribute information for each course, which allows for a more accurate understanding of what requirements a course can satisfy. Students don't have access to the Diagnostics Report so they use the relatively impoverished Class History page instead, which can result in some courses not counting where they ought to.
  1. You must be on-campus or on the Penn VPN to access DegreeWorks.
  2. Visit DegreeWorks and lookup a student by name or PennID
  3. Click the Process button to ensure the degree audit uses the most-recent courses and degree requirements. Then, click the Diagnostics link to open the Diagnostics Report page.
    open Diagnostics Report on DegreeWorks
  4. On the Diagnostics Report page, select all then copy the contents into the textbox below.
  5. For Accelerated Masters students, you should copy+paste their Master's Diagnostics Report as well as their undergrad Diagnostics Report (the order doesn't matter).
    • Currently (as of September 2022), graduate courses taken in Fall 2022 appear only on the Master's degree worksheet, even though the student may intend to use them toward undergrad degree requirements.
  6. Click the blue apply courses to requirements button
  7. Note that courses can be dragged and dropped across degree requirements.
Undergrad degree:
40 CU:
37 CU:
Masters degree: